
Spaying and Neutering

Sterilization of cats and dogs is a routine surgical intervention performed by our veterinary team. It’s performed under general anaesthesia and using laser to offer maximum comfort and a better recovery for pets.

How does sterilization work for males and females?

Since their anatomy is different, we call it neutering in males, which, consists in removing their testicles. They can usually go home the night of the operation.
For females, sterilization, or spaying, consists in removing the ovaries and uterus. This operation is called ovariohysterectomy (OVH). A 24 to 28 hours’ stay at the veterinary hospital after the intervention allows our staff to closely monitor the animal’s condition. Cats that have been operated on are placed in the cattery, away from the sight and sound of dogs staying in the hospital.

What are the benefits of spaying and neutering?

Besides keeping your pet from reproducing, spaying or neutering also extends their life expectancy. On average, spayed or neutered pets will live two years longer than intact pets. Sterilization reduces the risk of developing certain cancers (mammary glands, uterus, testicles, etc.) It also reduces unpleasant behaviours, such as urine marking, aggression and wandering during heat periods.

What’s the best age for sterilization?

Although this operation is often performed at a young age, various studies have shown that the animal’s size and breed are the best indicators to ensure their growth is not impaired. If you’d like to have your pet spayed or neutered, your veterinarian will take all of these factors into account to determine the best time to do sot.